The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern (#3 in 2020)
Page 1: So there's a "metaphorical" pirate?
Page 145: The language in this story is absolutely beautiful, but I don't know what's happening. Part of me is totally fine with that because my imagination has been kicked into full gear, and I'm going with it! #bringiton
Page 195: I'm not sure I know what's going on, but like... I don't hate it. I have some semblance of how these parts of the story are connected... or at least I think I do. #hairisfullofsecrets
Page 280: I'm pretty sure I know what's going on. There's a chance I'm wrong, but I can't stop reading. #cantstopwontstop
Page 329: Characters who were previously described in vague terms are finally being unveiled. #showmethecarfax
Page 436:
Last page: ... hmm.
Beautiful writing. BEYOND beautiful writing. Morgenstern's literary technique is absolutely stunning, and it's the sort of language you can lose yourself in. With that being said, her vivid descriptions are a double-edged sword (lots of swords in this book- see what I did there?)-- at times you can imagine the setting down to the jewelry the characters are wearing, and other times you're left feeling like you wasted your time reading a full page to describe the fabric of an upholstered chair (ie: Charles Dickens).
At first, I felt like I had to really "get" what was happening, but I began to realize that this story and its characters are so imaginative that the reader is left to develop his or her own interpretation (pretty neat).
I'm at a loss on how to rate this one. Was this a work of literary genius or was it utter nonsense? The magical world is so reminiscent of Wonderland that my nostalgia is satisfied. At the same time, I think I might be fooled by the imagery and description and I'm duped into ignoring the fact that the symbolism is never developed and the possibility that the plot progression is nonexistent. I'm glad I read it, but I'm still indecisive on my rating so it could be anywhere between 3 and 4.25 stars... But hey- "starless" is in the title, so let me just leave this one ambiguous for now.