My Friend, Anna by Rachel DeLoache Williams (#108 in 2019)
Goodreads describes this one as Sex and the City meets Catch Me if You Can, and that's the most spot-on description I've ever heard.
Holy WHAT?! This story is true... and so wild. I've had friends who don't like to pay for things and I've had friends who always owe money, but I've never had a friend who conned me into a nearly $75k deficit. At face value, anyone might see Rachel's story and think she must have been blind to see this coming, but once you read her account of everything, it's all very clear how she got bamboozled by "Anna Delvey." When it comes to nonfiction, I find that I'm more critical in my reviews. I find this to be the case because, with nonfiction, the actual plot is true and, therefore, the author is not responsible for creatively creating a story. Rather, the author is responsible for conveying a true story in a way that keeps the reader engaged. The voice in which the story is told is sort of like listening to your gal pal tell you a dramatic story complete with text conversations, IG receipts, and unnecessary details about the exact outfits that were worn and the exact food that was consumed. Was it a true work of literary mastery? No. But was I engaged? ABSOLUTELY. Pick this one up for a quick "OMG!" 3.5 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️💫
Now because I'm so down with internet stalking, I did find Anna Delvey's IG account, which obviously hasn't been updated since 2017, but a lot of the posts that Rachel references in her story are still on Anna's feed. I'm not sure why, but I found that so intriguing. I'm also now patiently waiting for both Netflix and HBO to come out with documentaries about this chick. I can only imagine how in depth they'll go.
Have you read this one? While I wait for Netflix to get its act together, what other wild documentaries should I get myself into?!